Monday, June 25, 2012

The Real Jersey Shore

I spent this past saturday night at the boardwalk in Seaside Heights with my dad and brother. 

Yes, the site of the ever-popular Jersey Shore TV show.  Yes, my brother and I walked past the cast members' house to see if we could gawk at any of them. 

To my family, however, the shore is not associated with any part of that show.  It's where my mom and dad vacationed as kids, in fact their fathers used to hang out with each other at the shore.  It's where you can get a legitimate sausage, pepper and onion sandwich.  It's where you sit and relax and look out at the bay just because it's so pretty when the sun sparkles on the water.  It's where I used to chase seagulls and call them all "Scuttle" because I thought all seagulls were from The Little Mermaid.  Where we used to ride a tiny dragon roller coaster with my dad and watch him win us prizes at the bull frog game. 

So we did all those things.

We ate pizza (and sausage and pepper sandwiches):

 We played the bullfrog game...

 And they won!

We rode the roller coaster.  Only this time it wasn't a kiddie dragon coaster, and I screamed my head off.   

And I really just tried to ignore all of this stuff:

But don't be surprised if my brother shows up in a picture wearing that shirt sometime soon!

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